The Meadow Primary School is a 4-11 school, situated in the beautiful village of Balsham. For further information, please make contact with the school office.
Welcome to
The Meadow
Primary School
We respect, We care, We learn
Social networking services or blogs are places online where young people can create personalised web-pages in order to express themselves and share ideas and opinions with others. These services enable them to meet and socialise online by linking to other people and therefore create an environment for the whole of their social network to easily exchange information and chat.
Parents, please teach your children how to use these applications responsibly and check their privacy settings so that their profiles are only available to people known to them. Encourage young people to keep their personal information to a minimum and to think carefully before including a photo of themselves or their friend in their profile. Photos online can easily be copied, changed and used elsewhere, and can potentially stay online forever.
As a reminder, there is a minimum age of 13 for the use of social media sites. Please support school by reinforcing this information with your child.
Further details about e-safety can be found in Useful Information.