

The Meadow Primary School is a 4-11 school, situated in the beautiful village of Balsham. For further information, please make contact with the school office.

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The Meadow

Primary School

We respect, We care, We learn

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How does the school know if pupils need extra help?

  • In the course of their usual practice a class teacher might notice that a child is having difficulty with an aspect of learning

  • Each term the progress of all children is discussed by class teachers, the Senior Leadership Team and the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo), Lizzie Beecroft.

  • Information may already be known about the child through information passed on by their previous school or Nursery Setting.

  • By using subject or skills based assessments that all children take part in such as the Year 1 phonics check, the foundation stage profile, reading assessments etc.

  • By using assessments on an individual basis, where we think there is the need to use them.

  • A parent or other member of staff might raise a concern about learning difficulties.

  • Liaison with external agencies, e.g. physical health diagnosis from paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist’s or Educational Psychologist’s assessment.

  • We recognise that students make progress at different rates and not always in a steady linear pattern.

  • If your child is identified as having a Special Educational Need which requires additional support, this will be discussed with you and your child will be added to our SEND Register.
