The Meadow Primary School is a 4-11 school, situated in the beautiful village of Balsham. For further information, please make contact with the school office.
Welcome to
The Meadow
Primary School
We respect, We care, We learn
We are aware that some families are worried children may forget their kit. If it helps to send their kit in to be kept in school each Monday, then please do this. If children are not in their PE kit on their swimming day then that is not a problem. We are requesting they are, to assist with easy and quick changing. The most important thing is they have their swimming kit. Swimming replaces one of their current PE slots.
Days to wear their kit:
Butterfly and Ladybird - PE Tuesday and Swimming Thursday
Spider and Dragonfly - PE Tuesday and Swimming Wednesday
Otter and Squirrel - PE Thursday and Swimming Tuesday
Kingfisher - PE Wednesday and Swimming Monday
Kestrel - PE Wednesday and Swimming Friday
Due to Bank Holidays, Strike days, Y6 residential and swimming teacher availability there are a few changes to the children's usual swimming day to ensure they all swim as much as possible. Those changes are:
Otter and Squirrel - swimming on all Tuesdays except for - Wednesday 3rd May due to strikes on the 2nd.
Kingfisher Class - swimming on all Monday's except for - Tuesday 2nd May and Tuesday 9th May (bank holidays) and Tuesday 13th June.
Kestrel Class - swimming on all Friday's except for: Monday 22nd May (Y5/6 not at Norfolk Lakes), Thursday 23rd June (due to INSET the next day),
Due to move up days and sports day, at this point unless we can re-arrange there will be No swimming for Dragonfly and Spider on the 5th July, or Ladybird and Butterfly on the 6th July and Kestrel on the 7th July. This supersedes any previous information you have had.
Swimming kit is:
swimming costume or swimming shorts/trunks, towel, swimming hat, goggles (if wish). Please ensure these are in a suitable bag. If it is sunny/hot weather, please apply sun cream that will last before school and a rash vest if you wish.