The Meadow Primary School is a 4-11 school, situated in the beautiful village of Balsham. For further information, please make contact with the school office.
Welcome to
The Meadow
Primary School
We respect, We care, We learn
Class teachers will consider how to adapt teaching and learning to match the child’s needs and help the child to make progress
A class provision map (a plan identifying additional support given to children) is drawn up by the Class Teacher and the SENDCo to ensure that each child is receiving the support that s/he needs
Children requiring SEN support will be supported in a range of different ways, depending on what their needs are; e.g.: taking part in an intervention programme, extra support from an adult in class, additional learning resources and scaffolding, by the teacher presenting information in different ways, etc.
Children with social, emotional and mental health needs will be supported by a variety of different interventions such as 1:1 befriending, friendship groups, Forest School provision and parenting support to enable them to access the curriculum.